
These are a small collection of things I am working on or have completed in the past. I will be updating as I continue to work on other projects.
* Click on images to be directed to the project
July 2024 -

A personal project, where I created an interactive sticker note taking application inspired by retro software.

July 2021 - April 2024

An on-device app simulation software specifically designed for frontline workers.


  • Added new features (Fuzzy Search, Deep Links, Auto Navigation/Scroll, Design Updates, In-App Browser, etc.) to the Android, iOS, and Web Simulator applications.
  • Implemented and maintained multiple pages on the Studio platform using React/Typescript and APIs.
  • Helped create and maintain the front-end of Replica Maker, a screen editor used for converting screen captures into interactive screens for simulations.
  • Created and maintained a library of 30+ custom components (Nested Table, Tiptap Rich Text Editor, Context Menu, etc.) in Storybook. Components used throughout Studio.
Gravity Link
October 2020 - July 2021

An application aimed towards engaging and helping sport organizations.

Radically Re-imagining the
Sam’s Club Exit Experience for Members
April 2021

A collaborative class and group project where we explored future technologies Sam's Club could integrate into their exit process.

Communicating Across the Gap: Consoles and Community
January 2021 - April 2021

A class research project that examined communication in cross platform gaming for Blizzard Entertainment.

Cariloop Accessibility Audit
March 2021

A small group project to examine Cariloop's accessibility concerns.

Welcome StudInt
August 2020 - December 2020

A group project where we researched, designed and tested an application aimed towards international students using UX processes.

Campus Tracing
August 2020 - December 2020

A design project with a focus on contact tracing, where I researched and created a prototype using Adobe XD.

August 2020 - December 2020

A collection of infographics made in a data visualization class.

HarvardX Projects
June 2020 - In Progress

Developed an idea of a social media website to share goals and guides. Involved creating a prototype in Adobe XD and a mobile responsive website. Design used Django and Python in the back-end and HTML/CSS and JavaScript in the front-end.

Atos: Autonomous Vehicle Data Analysis
January 2020 - May 2020

An interface to parse ROS bags, query in a database and synchronize relevant information to visualize simultaneously using Grafana. Collaborated with three other individuals, we were supervised by a mentor and a company sponsor as part of the senior project for Computer Science.

Uncanny Valley Research Paper
August 2019 - December 2019

Experimental research paper based on the Preconceptions in Uncanny Valley. A semester long group project that involved choosing the subject, creating the material, recruiting participants, gathering and analyzing data. Experiment performed with two other group members, paper written individually.