Communicating Across the Gap: Consoles and Community

UNT Design Anthropology and Blizzard Entertainment
Project Overview
An ethnographic study that examined communication methods in cross platform gaming for Blizzard Entertainment. Anthropology students partnered with design students and each pair recruited and interviewed one participant. The deliverables were created collaboratively.
My Contributions
I aided my partner in recruiting our participant, interviewing them, transcribing the videos and presenting the insights from our fieldwork. Afterwards, another classmate and I both took lead in the styling of the report and presentation. We both made a styling guide for colors and fonts, then designed the report and presentation.


An in depth analysis of the project and major themes.

By taking lead on the design, I was not required to contribute towards the writing of the report.

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An overview of the key insights from the report. Clips were taken from the interview videos.

The content was inserted by the authors of each chapter, but my design partner and I styled them to match the rest of the presentation.