Campus Tracing

UNT Foundations and Frameworks of Interaction Design Semester Project

Universities have had difficulty keeping track of their students with COVID-19 and this application aims to help college students keep up with their status in a pleasant way. Taking advantage of Apple's contact tracing feature, where users are alerted when they come in the vicinity of someone's device who has tested positive for COVID-19, universities can keep their students and campus safe.


Initial research aided in understanding the problem, but most focus was on design. Personas and journey maps established the need for students to have an enjoyable experience due to the mental strain the pandemic has had on them.

The prototype was designed in Adobe XD, with some illustrations created in Adobe Illustrator or obtained from freepik. Timed transitions were used to create a moving home screen and an animated bear.

The color scheme and gamification aspect is meant to ease the contact tracing process and to encourage students to get tested and stay safe.

An animated home screen with a living camp fire that adapts to the user's COVID status.

When alerted through contact tracing, a bear will inform them of the situation and next steps.

An interactive map will show you local places to get tested with their important information.

While waiting for results, the helpful bear will be waiting for an update.

Once known, you can inform the app of your results.

The home setting will change based on the results and continue to adapt to the user's COVID status.